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Home/Cloud/Getting started/Projects/Users/Manage access

Manage user access to your project

If you want to add a new user to your project, follow this article: Add a new user to your project

Edit user roles

To learn more about user roles and rights, refer to the article: User roles and rights

If you have enough rights, you can regulate user rights. Click Edit to go to the user settings. 

The location of the Edit button

You can change the user role in the column Role. There are available the following roles: User, Observer, and Administrator. Save and confirm changes.  

The location of the Role column

Deny access to a project

To deny access to a project, click the Delete role button in the user settings. 

The location of the Delete role button

 After confirming the deletion, a user will not be allowed to access the project. 

In the Access section of project settings, the user will be displayed with the Non-assigned role. 

The location of the field showing non-assigned roles

Restore user access to a project

To invite a user to the project again, click Edit.

The location of the Edit button

Change the user role to the required one and save the settings. 

The location of the Role column

Confirm the role reassigning.

The window appearing to reassign a user role

After the changes, the user will again have access to a project via the personal account. 

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